
Choose between our Spermidine Premium or our upgrade, Spermidine Ultra . No matter what decision you make, soybean or wheat germ extract, one or two capsules a day? We have the perfect solution to take your wellbeing to the next level.

jungold Spermidin Premium 3,0 mg Tagesdosis, veganes und glutunfreies spermidinhaltiges Nahrungsergänzungsmittel aus Österreich

Spermidine Premium - 3.0 mg

Spermidine Premium is one of the strongest soy-based spermidine products on the market with a daily dose of 3.0 mg spermidine (in 2 capsules). A vegan and gluten-free dietary supplement...
Spermidine Ultra - 6.0 mg

Spermidine Ultra - 6.0 mg

Spermidine Ultra is one of the strongest spermidine products on the market with a daily dose of 6.0 mg spermidine (in 1 capsule). A vegan dietary supplement made from spermidine-containing...